Daily Schedules and Important Information


Arrival and Departure of Students


Daily Schedule:    Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri       Grades TK-6     7:45 - 2:04 p.m.

                             Wednesday                  Grades TK-6    7:45 - 1:04 p.m.


It is important for all students to arrive and depart from school at the schedule times. Students should be dropped off prior to 7:40 a.m. Breakfast begins at 7:15 a.m

Arriving at school on time is also very important for your child's education. Children who are tardy miss the beginning instructions for the morning lessons, and disrupt the class when they enter late.


Please make sure that your child enters the school through the drop off parking lot.  All kindergartener students may enter through the kindergarten playground.


At the end of the school day all children should be picked up promptly - at the time that the bell rings.


Entering The School Grounds During The School Day


In the interest of the safety of all children in the school, parents and other visitors to Burbank Elementary during the school day are required to enter the campus through the school office. Visitors are required to sing the logbook. You will receive a visitor sticker to wear on campus.


Picking Your Child Up Early


To take your child out of school before the end of the school day you must:

  1. Come to the school office, and not to the classroom. The office staff will contact your child's classroom and have your child come to the office.
  2. Sign the release book


In Case Of Emergency


Should your child become ill or involved in an accident at school, we will contact you using the information from the Student Emergency Card. Please notify us of any change in your home address, home phone, cell phone, work phone or emergency contact phone numbers in case we need to reach you quickly in an emergency.


Attendance And Absence Reporting


Your child's attendance in school each day throughout the school year is extremely important for two reasons:


  1. Your child has the best chance of succeeding in school if he/se attends school every day.
  2. When a child is absent, he/she misses out on valuable learning experiences


According to California State law, an excused absence is an illness, a medical/dental appointment, and/or a funeral for a close relative. An unexcused absence would include vacation, staying home because of rain, sleepy, missing the bus, etc.


In the event that your child is absent please do the following:

  • Call the school office between 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Let us know if your child has a contagious disease, such as chicken pox. We will watch for the symptoms in other students.
  • Send a note to school with your child the day he/she was absent and the reason for the absence. Please be sure to sign the note. If your child has been ill for more than three days we ask that your child bring a note from the doctor.


We realize that there may be times that your child will be sick during school year. A healthy, balanced diet and plenty of sleep will help your child avoid common illnesses.


TARDY: If your child is tardy send a note to the school office to let us know why he/she is late. If your child has several tardies, we will contact you personally. The District policy is no more than ten tardies per school year.


Prompt school departure is also important. Parents and child-care providers should wait for children at the school gate. If an older sister or brother is authorized to pick up your child, please ask them to wait in an orderly fashion outside the gate until your child comes out.


Please do not expect your child to wait at school for a long time. Except Extended Day and EXTRA students, NO CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED BY THE SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL IS DISMISSED.  If your child is habitually picked up late, child welfare authorities will be contacted.


Parents Visits to the Classrooms


You are always welcome to visit your child's classroom to learn how the teacher works with children, how your child relates to the teacher and other children, and the teaching techniques used in the class. To visit your child's classroom:


  1. Contact the teacher in advance to arrange a time to visit. This helps keep the classroom interruption to a minimun.
  2. Sign in at the office.


Birthday Book


We encourage you to donate a book in your child's name to celebrate his/her birthday. Birthday celebrations are not permitted during the instructional day. Birthday foods such as cake, cupcakes, or pizza will not be permitted.